" A Crown of Flies "
(Thanks to David Lawrence) There must have been flies at Golgotha: Blue bottles to report his power of his words to the Father of Lies, horse to clean his wounds so the tomb would be free of impurities, angry little bitters a crown of wings to glorify his agony. There must have been flies at Bethlehem: Tsetse to help the babe sleep, house to celebrate creation in the company of pig, dog and goat. There should have been flies at the conception, drawn by blood and holy seed spilled on rough cloth. There will be flies at Megiddo, vanguard for the pale rider, last echo of the trumpeter. The fly before me rubs his claws back and forth and back like a sick monk shifts his hands as he invokes a mantra largely forgotten. He waits to buzz my rice was rancid. (David Lawrence, author of the mystery novel, The Dead Sit Round in a Ring, wrote the first line.) © 2004 Gary Blankenship